Monday, May 12, 2014

Which Are the Top Cited Publications and Authors in Cloud Computing?

The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing Journal is publishing a paper entitled “A Scientometric Analysis of Cloud Computing Literature” by Leonard Heilig and Stefan Voß (University of Hamburg) that presents an analysis of publication patterns, research impact and research productivity in the field of Cloud Computing. Two interesting results are the top cited publications and top cited authors in Cloud Computing.

 The results on the top publications in cloud computing show that the following paper is the top cited publication.

  • “Armbrust M., Fox A., Griffith R., Joseph A.D., Katz R., Konwinski A., Lee G., Patterson D., Rabkin A., Stoica I., Zaharia M. (2010) A view of cloud computing. Communications of the ACM 53(4):50-58.”  

I am proud to be a co-author of two publications listed number 7 and 17 respectively.

  • “Sotomayor B., Montero R.S., Llorente I.M., Foster I. (2009) Virtual infrastructure management in private and hybrid clouds. IEEE Internet Computing 13(5):14-22”, which describes the original OpenNebula design and architetcure, and 

  • “Rochwerger B., Breitgand D., Levy E., Galis A., Nagin K., Llorente I.M., Montero R., Wolfsthal Y., Elmroth E., Caceres J., Ben-Yehuda M., Emmerich W., Galan F. (2009) The Reservoir model and architecture for open federated cloud computing. IBM Journal of Research and Development 53(4):1-11”, which describes the cloud federation research and technology developed in the Reservoir Project. 

Regarding top authors, Rajkumar Buyya from University of Melbourne is the top cited author, while Ignacio M. Llorente and Rubén S. Montero are in the 26th position of the list. Only three European authors are part of the top cited authors list.


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